Monday, August 16, 2010

Mansory has modified

If your eyes have just recovered from the glaucoma-inducing anguish that is the Mansory Panamera, then look away now. Seriously. Stop looking.
Using a combination of gold, carbon fibre and river blindness, Mansory has modified a single Veyron using its ‘Linea Vincero' range of accessories.

There are modified body panels made from high-strength carbon. There is carbon fabric with inbuilt copper thread. And - if you haven't suddenly developed a cataract - you can see there is gold. Lots of it.
Like it? Well friend, good news! If you own lots of money, a penchant for diamond-encrusted hats and pointy-shoes, you too can ask Mansory to knock you up a ‘Linea Vincero' Veyron. Probably.
If, on the other hand, you share with the rest of mankind a morbid fascination with ugly, click through the gallery. You must.

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